Amazing festival in Snowmass, Colorado. At this beautiful outdoor concert, we were thrilled to meet the wonderful staff and students of Aspen School Camp for the Deaf–which hosted this community event.
In Snowmass, Colorado for Aspen School Camp for the Deaf

3 Comments on “In Snowmass, Colorado for Aspen School Camp for the Deaf”
Hi Mandy,
I hope you are doing well. You made me to redefine life again and again. You made me to appreciate what I have. You are amazing and strong woman. Your voice is special and unique but your personality is above every thing. If you thank God for his blessings, others have to do it million times. You showed the world to enjoy life with what they have than dreaming for what they do not have. You have every thing! You helped us to enjoy world through your talents and creativity and your “I can do it !” mentality. I wish you all the best and I will always be your fun.
I am hoping that you read this. I am sure that you are way too busy, but I will try.😊
Anyways, I just have to ask if you would ever possibly take the time to do the old hymns? I say the old hymns because they mean so much to me! What a joy it would be to my soul toward the LORD to have a cd/dvd of you signing and singing them. I can never find them anywhere, not often anyways.
I think if Fanny Crosbe were still on earth she would rejoice at your soul and sound and I rejoice at her seeing things that people with sight don’t see.I can’t imagine the two of you together! Or Isacc Watts!
I, myself am not blind nor deaf, or am I?
Anyways I could go on and on and if you are reading this then I certainly don’t want to take up more time!
Thank you for everything that you are! Never change unless toward the better! I am grateful for just your story. If you never get to do the old hymns then so be it, but I can’t even imagine the two of you together!
Grateful in Montana,
Stacy Hale
you are truly AMAZING