April 20, 2018 — Mandy sings at Camden Yards in Baltimore, MD and the Orioles score a win! Coincidence? We don’t think so!
Mandy sings Anthem at Camden Yards

April 20, 2018 — Mandy sings at Camden Yards in Baltimore, MD and the Orioles score a win! Coincidence? We don’t think so!
7 Comments on “Mandy sings Anthem at Camden Yards”
Hi Mandy,
Like to let you know that I was and am very touched by your performance with your song TRY.
A song that hits you in the hart.
Greetings from the Netherlands
Mandy, you are an angel for me, thanks, i listen to you every day ….
Mandy, When do you come singing to france ?
i leave near Lyon, or Grenoble ..
thanks again, now i try to learn languages with my hands…
Beautiful lady, love you and your music. Fell for you as you were walking on stage at AGT. Wish you the best the world has to offer.
I absolutely LOVE hearing you sing, Mandy. I have a 10 year old daughter who was born deaf. You are truly inspiring. Thank You.
Hi Mandy, my name is Alex and I just want to say wow I can’t believe you. You are inspirational. I just saw you AGT last night from September of 2017, I know I am a little late but I saw you for the first time and I couldn’t believe it your sensational. You have gave me courage and strength through your song “Try”. I know you don’t know this but I recently lost my mother in December and to hear your voice motivated to explore new paths in my life with music. Love you and I hope that you make more music. # you made a change. 🙂👍
Can’t believe I missed it. April 20 was my birthday! And I’m and O’s fan!
I was just watching youtube auditions and stumbled upon your performance (again) and then found your webpage.
I just hope that your voice sounds as beautiful in your head as it does to all of us.
Try = amazing!